Sorry for being a bit quiet here over the last week or so.
We’re just dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s before we plunge into the public arena with our most exciting adventure yet.
I feel that any time spend away from my core duties as part of the team delivering this adventure is time not spent well, so forgive me while I – we – keep focus.
If that’s not exciting enough – the R&D team in has just exploded in size and I’m now part of a team that includes the most energised, enthusiastic people I’ve ever met. They are here in Welwyn and also in Bangalore. I’ve met most of them on our HD TelePresence system and soon I’ll be going over to India to meet them in 3D(!)
I’ll tell you all about them soon. Indeed, I am beginning to twist their arms for them to start writing content for this blog so you can meet them yourself.
Enough. Back to work.