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  • Writer's pictureNick Lansley

BREAKING: Tesco Online voted most accessible website by RNIB members

Jack Bennie, IT manager and colleague here at, has just alerted me to the fact that Tesco Online has just been voted the most accessible website for visually impaired computer users by members of RNIB and listeners of Insight Radio, the RNIB’s online radio station for blind and partially sighted people in the UK.

Jack’s team have engineered much of the technology to make this work and he wanted me to particularly credit Zara Hughes, Sweta Subramanian and Sarah Bruce for the huge effort to bring a great grocery home shopping experience for customers who cannot see.

This is a humbling achievement, mostly because grocery shopping is often the final barrier to full independence for people with sight loss. Imagine trying to go grocery shopping with your eyes closed and finding all the tins, packets and boxes feel the same, with no clue as to what they contain. Internet grocery shopping is the ideal answer, and I’m glad visually-impaired customers have such passionate champions here at that they have voted us to be the most accessible site.

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