Follow my DJI Mavic Pro Aerial Photography
I’m a panellist at Retail Connections’ “AI in Retail” London event November 16th 2
UK productivity falling for second quarter in a row
How can you prove you’re not in a computer simulation?
Compressing MacOS / OSX files transparently using AFSCTOOL
I’ve had published a new Alexa Skill (How-to walkthrough)
Watch: Talking about The Innovation Mindset on Economist TV
Podcast Episode 8: Making Technology Accessible
Time to smash your e-commerce platform. Literally!
Amazon Go will bring the great shoplifter experience to customers
Sea Shockwave at Peacehaven!
Podcast Episode 6: The Internet Of Things
Registered Amazon seller caught scamming customers
Local Businesses: Make sure you can be found as my “nearest”.
It’s time for retailers to use the “wake” word and embrace the Amazon Echo
Visual Guide to the Rise and Rise of Financial Technology
Internet-of-Things devices new threat to internet security
Asda turning stores into smart buildings
Python code that suggests you are unlikely to win the Euromillions Lottery jackpot
Google and the Google Generation! 18 years old today