Happy birthday to Google!
The now powerful search engine turned 18 years old today.
So this means that all teenagers who are the same age as Google or younger have only known fast, efficient searching for anything they want in the world. Indeed the Google Generation!
The thing is, the youngsters who turn 18 today are now adults; they are either at a college or seeking & finding work. They are likely to have their money in their pocket. Sure they love online shopping. I wonder where they will go first to satisfy their purchasing desires? Google? I think so too.
Let’s consider this: An entire army of 18-year-olds who have their income and have grown up with Google are surely going to go shopping with Google as their first port of call. Online retailers, are you ready for what that means for you?
Online retailers, are you ready for what that means for you? Are you on the first page of search rankings for your key products?
There is something you can do about it, and that is ensuring you have excellent product descriptions – not just for all those 18-year-olds but one 18-year-old in particular: Google. The product descriptions need to be in a certain data format, and most online retailers have not stepped up to provide it. The format is JSON structured data and the vocabulary that describes it is GS1 SmartSearch, a data markup ratified by schema.org as the first external extension for product descriptions.
Have a look at this short video:
I’m going to be talking about this at conferences over the next few months because this army of 18-years will grow day by day throughout the coming year.
More on this blog shortly but for now – Happy Birthday Google!